Han Solo and Twobaccas Costume

About 7 months ago, two amazing little guys came to this world and have conquered the heart of their Mommy, Brother and of course Daddy. Naturally we were thinking about a fun halloween costume for the twins and as a big Star Wars fan I couldn’t resist and build a Stroller Millennium Falcon.

And so I collected all the cardboard from our neighbors that I could get. I had some fresh Ikea cardboard boxes which turned out to be very good cardboard even it felt a bit flimsy. I have large Millennium Falcon toy from the 90’s that was the stand-in model for the design .. and so it begun.

I built the Falcon in two parts so I can connect it around the stroller. Using a box cutter I freestyle cut all the parts together. Hotglue works amazing on cardboard.


I had a big can of white paint that I used to paint the Falcon. I left the rear open so I can add some basic LED treatment to it.


Details, details, details: Using a sharpy (black and red) I drew all the details on the Falcon. Also I used a black crayon to give it’s more typical grayish look.

And the final – Han Solo and the Twobaccas definitily doing this Kessel Run in 12 parsecs!  (Also we won best costume in our local community’s costume competition)


Let’s see what we come up with next year!